Міжнародний онлайн брокер "Pelliron" у своїй роботі керується стандартами та вимогами Управління з Фінансового нагляду Сент-Вінсенту і Гренадін (FSA http://svgfsa.com/). У компанії розроблені необхідні процедури та політики, які спрямовані на захист інтересів інвесторів. Наша робота контролюється провідними державними та недержавними регуляторами. Основоположні документи завжди можуть бути надані за запитом клієнта.

Международный онлайн брокер "Pelliron” в своей работе руководствуется стандартами и требованиями Управления по Финансовому надзору Сент-Винсента и Гренадин (FSA http://svgfsa.com/). В компании разработаны необходимые процедуры и политики, которые направленные на защиту интересов инвесторов. Наша работа контролируется ведущими государственными и негосударственными регуляторам. Основополагающие документы всегда могут быть предоставлены по запросу клиента.

Compania Pelliron respectă pe deplin standardele și cerințele Autorității pentru Servicii Financiare din Saint Vincent și Grenadine (FSA http://svgfsa.com/). FSA își propune să dezvolte, să reglementeze și să supravegheze sectorul financiar internațional și nebancar, în conformitate cu cele mai bune practici internaționale, astfel încât să promoveze siguranța, soliditatea și integritatea sectorului, sporind astfel reputația St. Vincent și Grenadine ca securitate și un centru financiar competitiv.

Pelliron Company fully complies with the standards and requirements of the Financial Services Authority of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (FSA http://svgfsa.com/). FSA aims to develop, regulate and supervise the international and non-bank financial sector in accordance with international best practices so as to promote the safety, soundness and integrity of the sector, thereby enhancing the reputation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines as a secure and competitive financial centre.

Pelliron MetaTrader 5 for Windows devices — The trading platform is a trader's working tool that allows trading on the financial markets.

The platform includes everything you need for successful online trading: trading,
technical analysis of quotations and fundamental analysis, automatic trading, as well as the ability to trade from mobile devices.

In addition, the trader can work not only with
Forex instruments, but also to trade options, futures and shares on the stock exchange.

MetaTrader 5 — is an institutional multi-market platform for trading, technical
analysis, use of automated trading systems(trading robots) and copying
trades of other traders. With MetaTrader 5, you can trade in the foreign exchange market
(Forex, Forex), stock exchanges and futures (Futures) simultaneously.

Pelliron MT5 platform is popular with many brokerage companies. This software has several modifications that are constantly
being improved. The result of subsequent developments was the trading platform
Meta Trader5.

The main features of this platform:
  • checked Universal information processing system with high functionality;
  • checked This trading platform includes additional features that allow for more
    effectively lead the trades;
  • checked It has developed a level of security, which has no analogues at present;
  • checked The platform ensures flawless execution of automated trading;
  • checked This platform includes sections on news and the statistical processing.
Advantages of Pelliron trading platform Meta Trader 5:
More than 43 currency pairs and 100 instruments for efficient trading;
NDD system that allows the trader to make transactions without the participation of the dealer;
The trading robot is compatible with the library of expert advisors and custom indicators;
Trailing Stop allows you to flexibly manage the closing of trades.
Additional opportunity:

Download the quotes archives and use the strategy tester at different time intervals;
The platform allows you to trade from multiple accounts at the same time.

A new development of MetaQuotes Software Corp, the Meta Trader5, trading platform, an
innovative product with the help of which trading operations with almost many assets are possible.
To control the market situation with the help of its technical analysis, to carry out automatic
trading – these are the advantages of Meta Trader5.

Successful trading in the financial markets begins with a convenient and functional trading platform. And MetaTrader 5 is the best choice for a modern trader!

MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform and see for yourself!

platform Download Terminal for Windows

Contact Us

  • Address :

    First Floor, The First St.Vincent Bank, James Street, Kingstown, VC0100, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Mail Us

    [email protected]

  • Any Enquiries

    Phone: +442032906161