Investment Planning - эis orderly process of information processing to develop the project which pre-determines the performance to achieve the objectives.

Planning has the following levels:
- The strategic level;
- Tactical level;
- Operational level.
Scheduling value is primarily that it can provide a high degree of probability and achieving high systematic production decisions. Thus it is a prerequisite for efficient operation of the enterprise. Scheduling the following functions:
- Detecting opportunities and risks;
- The formation of maneuver for further action;
- Reduction of the level of complexity;
- Contribution the effect of multiplying the results;
- Goal setting;
- Premature warning;
- Coordination of some of the plans;
- Identification of problems;
- Definition of control.
In drawing up the plans used the information that is knowledge designed to achieve certain goals.
When planning the knowledge used to identify problems and to make decisions. It relate to the formation of goals, indicators of external and internal indicators, alternative decision. Typical investment planning alternatives can be described by the following questions:

- It is necessary to invest or abandon them?
- Which one of several mutually exclusive investment projects should be implemented?
- How long should be operated investment object, if this object has already been implemented?
- What kind of investment and how much should be implemented simultaneously with a deficit of financial resources?
- What are the investment objects, in what terms and in what amount should be implemented?
- What are the investment objects in what terms and in what quantity should be implemented?
Alternatives analysis defines indicators for which forecasts have to be made. Forecasts are predictions about the future state of affairs made on the basis of practical experience and theoretical knowledge. The forecasts are divided into short, medium and long term.
Our company produces professional support, advice and assistance in the creation of investment project analysis, planning and implementation of the outcome.